Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eating yogurt & my Sunday outfit

On Saturday Mom & Dad let me eat yogurt by myself. You can see the mess I made! It was fun, I like yogurt!
Here I am in my Sunday best ready to go to Church!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well I finally got a chance to experience firsthand some of the snow that surrounds our house, I was not so sure at first, but as we spent a little more time out in the snow I started to explore & wanted to put together a few snow balls for a battle versus mommy & daddy. Once I had my snowball fight I thought some snow angels would be a great idea.....I only wish someone would have told me before I started that it is better to to it on your back so that you don't get a face full of snow... oh well next time I will know :)

Great Grandma Decker was kind enough to make some Valentines cookies for us, once I tasted these delicacies I knew that they were intended to be for me only. I might pretend that I might share with you, but rest assured, I will eat the whole cookie, no matter how long it takes me. Be prepared to get your heart broken because I know what is good for me and these cookies did not last nearly long enough........I think its time to go and visit Grandma's house again :)